0428-503-913 Monday - Friday 9:00 - 5:00 11 Jobomi House, Port Lincoln

Common Problems

In my experience there are 5 main causes for blocked septics.

Combat odours

To combat odours arising from your septic, give a product called Actizyme a go.  This has been recommended to help with odours.  We believe this is available at most hardware stores and some supermarkets.

Root growth in tanks

  1. Root growth in tanks {products that reduce root growth in septics can be purchased from many hardware stores.

Toilet Wipes

Toilet Wipes claim they are septic safe but do not break down, they may invoke a surcharge in the future


Fat tends to combine in large hard lumps and will often be the final cause for a septic with above problems to block

No maintenance

Hard crust happens when leaving the septic too long between cleanouts can cause the crust to go so hard that it finally blocks the inlet pipe

Full soakage pits

Full soakage pits happens where the septic has been left too long between cleans, sludge can flow from the tank and line the soakage pit, this lines the soakage pit and reduces water soaking away.  Symptom is normally liquid coming out of the concrete lids on the tank.

Servicing the Eyre Peninsula region